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I bet you thought you’d see a post here with me claiming to be a marketing guru, laying out a promotional plan guaranteed to knock your book to the top of bestsellers lists.

That image of me couldn’t be farther from the truth. Like most authors, I struggle with gaining tracking and making major noise for my work.

With my first book, I tried, then threw up my hands. Now, that my second book is out, I decided to do something different.

A wise woman once said, “Give others what you need yourself, and everyone is fulfilled.”

So, in fulfilling myself, I’ve provided a free resource on book marketing from the experts in the game. Be sure to check back frequently because I’ll be adding found tips either daily or weekly.


On the eve of Thanksgiving, experts shared their thoughts on social media ads. Click the image below for a recap.



In response to my question: “What’s the best way to connect with book clubs?